Beyond Transition: Important Resources for Caregivers

Caregivers Persevere for Their Children

Caregivers are essential: We need them to be healthy for their children and to have access to the right supports to be able to access care. When their children are struggling, we will predictably see their caregivers struggle more.

Caregiving in a Pandemic: When the Professional and Personal Collide

As Educators we are called to link arms with our caregivers. We must respond with empathy and compassion to our caregivers who are coming to us with their student’s needs. We must be transparent in how we move through this challenging time and ensure they know we care about them, and most importantly, their children. As Caregivers we are actually called to do the same thing with our educators. Link arms, respond with empathy and compassion, be transparent about what our children’s needs are, and ensure they know we care about them.

Caring for Caregivers

The task of caring for a child with significant mental health needs is truly heroes’ work – and can be incredibly stressful and challenging for any caregiver. By the time caregivers reach a therapeutic day school with their children, they have been walking a long, often challenging and complicated road to get their children the right support.