Adelphi University
Garden City, NY
Adelphi University transforms the lives of all students by creating a distinctive environment of intellectual rigor, research, creativity and deep community engagement across four core areas of focus: arts and humanities, STEM and social sciences, the professions, and health and wellness.
Bridges to Adelphi
If you’re a student who has autism spectrum disorder, a nonverbal learning disability, or problems with executive functioning or socialization, you may feel anxious about the many differences between high school and college. The Bridges to Adelphi Program offers individualized comprehensive academic, social and vocational services that are designed to make that transition easier.
Bridges to Adelphi is a vital campus resource. It achieves its mission by:
- Offering individual, group, and peer mentor services designed to help students overcome issues that may affect academic, social and vocational success, while upholding the university’s academic integrity, high standards and expectations.
- Serving as consultant, collaborator and liaison to the university faculty, administration, staff and students, in addition to the surrounding community, to create an environment supportive of the intellectual, emotional, diverse and spiritual needs of students.
- Providing outreach to families and school districts to support students’ transition to higher education and nurture educational bonds with Adelphi University.
- Providing outreach and training to other universities with similar programs, or interested in developing similar programs.
- Providing training programs to companies and organizations interested in increasing their internal diversity programs.
- Collecting and evaluating program data to assess the efficacy of Bridges activities and to contribute to research in the field of college programs for neurodivergent students.

Adelphi University
One South Avenue | P.O. Box 701
Garden City, NY 11530-0701
Website: www.adelphi.edu
Email: admissions@adelphi.edu
Phone: 800.Adelphi (233.5744)