Supports & Accommodation Resources
Accommodations & Supports
Taking a Leave of Absence — A Guide for College Students (PDF)
This guide is designed to provide students who
are considering or taking a leave of absence with skills-building opportunities
and health-promoting guidance and suggestions for how to spend their time
away from school.
Accommodations in College: College Navigator
The Easterseals College Navigator program provides individualized services to college students with disabilities based on their goals, strengths, and needs.
Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues.
Resources for College Students with Mental Health Conditions
This handout from the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Boston University shares on-campus and national resources for students.
Preparing High School Students with Disabilities for College Success (video)
Transitioning to college and finding appropriate support services can be challenging for students with disabilities who have utilized an IEP in high school. This webinar features panelists from Westfield State and Bridgewater State as they share details of the resources available to students with disabilities as they transition to postsecondary education.
National Center for College Students with Disabilities
The NCCSD is the only federally funded national center in the Unites States with information and resources for future and current college students with disabilities, including those in part-time programs and graduate students. They work with students, their families, teachers, professors, and anyone with questions about disability and higher education.
Have a resource you’d like us to know about or share? Send us your suggestions at Thanks!
Sessions from previous Different Choice events presented information to help students and families navigate the post–high school landscape, whether career- or college-bound.